Laser Safety Course
The laser Safety course is the basis for anybody wanting to get into the aesthetics industry. Whether it be the beauty medical or therapeutic industries the course in the one you need.
Our laser safety course is approved
for the purpose of obtaining a laser licence in all Australian states and territories with regulated licensing requirements.
Our laser safety course is approved
for the purpose of obtaining a laser licence in all Australian states and territories with regulated licensing requirements.
This course is accredited with:
Queensland Government Radiation Health, Health Protection The Government of Western Australia Radiological Council Tasmanian Government Radiation Protection Unit Our course also meets meets the requirements for Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency AHPRA 4 hours CPD ARPANSA (Australian radiation protection and Nuclear safety agency) Assesment consists of one multiple choice exam. The course content consist of the following topics. Laser and its properties Biological Effects Laser Hazards Laser Equipment and delivery systems Laser Safety Administrative requirements LSO Responsibilities Acceptance, Quality Assurance Testing & Preventative maintenance Laser safe practices |